The pilgrimage route Via Mariae passes trough Vlăhița. Via Mariae is Eastern Europe’s largest religious pilgrimage route, a nationally certified cultural route. Its two lines meet to the west of Vlăhița, marked with the purple number M3 and the red number M5 and they can be followed on the same route to the church in Csíksomlyó (Șumuleu Ciuc). Between Vlăhița and Tolvajos pass centuries-old wooden huts are placed and rebuilt as shelters for pilgrims. At the huts short questions are waiting for the visitors, for solving them correctly you can receive a reward.

On the route, you can still find the characteristic of local, mountain fodder collection (kalibázás) which is beginning to be replaced by the transforming, fast and mechanized forage collection. Along the Via Mariae route can also be seen centuries-old, thick-trunk beech trees.

During a walking, cycling or cart tour, You can take photos of protected plants and collect edible mountain berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, rose hips), mushrooms, tea herbs.

Contact us if you need a pilgrim guide or tour guide!