Homorod Region is a colorful and diversified small region in Seklerland, which provides a connection with the historical Saxon region on the southwest direction. It can be divided into three smaller landscape units: Havasalja (with Căpâlnița and Vlăhița) in the southwestern foreground of the Harghita Mountains, Big-Homorod and Little -Homorod regions. The region marked by the streams of the Big- and Little-Homorod stretches across the border of the historical Seklerland, where there are villages inhabited by the Saxon community for several centuries. The region to the west of the Ocland – Sânpaul region is also called Lower- Homorod Region, while the region to the east of it is called Upper – Homorod Region.
Homorod Region’s area is about 560 square kilometers and its population is around 20,000 people. The Little- and Big- Homorod streams converge at the border of Homorod settlement, and it flows into the Olt River on the territory of Rupea- a neighboring town.
The region was defined from a social, ethnographic, architectural and religious perspective by the coexistence of different nationalities and religions. Main nationalities: Hungarian, Sekler, Romanian, Roma, Saxon. Typical religions and denominations: Unitarian, Calvinistic, Catholic, Lutheran. In the past centuries, this region was recognised as the home of baize making, lime burning, furniture painting, billet making, wood processing and carving, medicinal and mineral water, ironwork, baize fullers, and alpine animal husbandry. The area has a rich and varied wildlife population.