The Vargyas Gorge

The Vargyas Gorge natural area is the most spectacular karst region of Szeklerland. It is situated in the northern part of the Perșani Mountains (Eastern Carpathians in Romania), close to the village Homoródalmás (Mereşti) on the border of two counties (Harghita and Covasna). The gorge is 4 km long, being Read more…

About Homoród Region

Homorod Region is a colorful and diversified small region in Seklerland, which provides a connection with the historical Saxon region on the southwest direction. It can be divided into three smaller landscape units: Havasalja (with Căpâlnița and Vlăhița) in the southwestern foreground of the Harghita Mountains, Big-Homorod and Little -Homorod Read more…

Pork Belly Festival

During the month of February, during the carnival period, takes place the Vlăhița Pork Belly Festival. At the festival, the registered teams process the pig in the traditional way, the process of which is monitored by a professional jury. You can expect tastings, shopping opportunities and a good atmosphere on Read more…

QR code walk

It is a QR code based walk in the 1 km area of Szentegyházasfalu. You can get to know the attractions of our location with the help of a smartphone (a QR code reader is required). The first stop of the walk is the Gábor Áron Cultural Center. You can Read more…

Horse-drawn carriage ride

Horse-drawn carriage tour of the settlement in Szentegyháza, visiting of museum collections (the ethnographic collection of the secondary school and the museum hotel), making and tasting a chimney cake. And if you want to taste mineral water springs you can also take a horse-drawn carriage to Băile Selters or Băile Read more…

Horse riding

If you like horses and would like to try the experience of riding, you can do so in Vlăhița at the Veres farm and în Băile Homorod at Sopárkút pension. Paddock horseback riding/corral riding – driving with a bridle -half an hour 50 Ron/20 minute Cross-country riding: 75 Ron/hour. For Read more…

Trip to the Vargyas Gorge

It is a trip with tractor drawn cart, then a walking tour among the limestone rocks of the 4 km long Vargyas Gorge. Let`s take a trip in the Vargyas Gorge natural area, in the most spectacular karst region of Szeklerland. Visit the largest cave of the canyon, named after Read more…


In case of favorable snow conditions there is an option for dogsledding. This program contains: getting to know the dogs and equipment: harness, rigging, sleigh – driving skills, techniques, and then sledding in the area on marked routs. Location: Vlăhița, Veres farm. Price: 80 Ron/half an hour. Prior registration is Read more…