Learn about the tricks of preparing Chimney Cake (kürtőskalács), where you can not only taste it, but you can also make your own Chimney Cake. You can roll the dough strip onto the baking sheet, then bake it over coals until thez become golden brown. You can flavor the baked cake to your liking with nuts, cinnamon, and sugar.

The program is recommended for families and groups of friends. Duration: 1-2 hours, depending of the group size. Water palinca and kürtős is served.

Minimum number of participants for a group is 10.

Prior registration is required for the program, and is managed through Magenta 7 Tour operator’s booking system!

Participation fee is fixed for a group between 1-10 people: 130 EUR

Group of 11-25 participants: 11 EUR/pers

Group of 26-50 participants: 9 EUR/pers.