This protected field is located on the south part of Szentegyháza, close to Pokol-glade. It is one of the biggest and highest situated narcissus fields in Romania with a territory of 20 hectares where it is possible to find 180-200 Poet’s Narcissus/m2.

,,Láz” means glade, terrace in the local dialect. It is a typical landform on the volcanic tableland of Harghita Mountain. The Poet’s Narcissus is a protected plant and it is recognazible of its star-shaped flower. Its blooming period is the end of April, beginning of May. Beside the daffodils you can find many other rare, beautiful plants on this glade: for ex. Lady’s Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium calceolus), Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica), Globeflower (Trollius europaeus).

The Narcissus Festival has been organized every year since 1976.

Categories: Natural