The Madarasi Hargita Mountains are located in the Kelemen-Görgény- Hargita volcanic mountain range with a mostly andesite relief. It has heights between 1500-1800 m and its highest peak is 1801 m above sea level, which is called Madarasi Peak or also known as The Saint Mountain of the Szeklersz. The longest stream of the Hargita Mountains is called Vargyas Stream and it originates from the south side of the Madarasi Hargita Mountain. From the top of Madarasi Peak one can see almost the whole Transylvanian basin with an excelent view over the 20-25 km wide Hargita terrace, Görgény Mountain, Gyergyói Mountain, Hagymás Mountain, Fogarasi Mountains. The Madarasi Hargita Mountain is one of the Natura 2000 locations to ensure the long-term survival of its valuable and threatened species and habitats.

It is also a popular ski resort. The ski slopes of this mountain have a total length of 4,5 km, all situated between 1500-1760 m above sea level. The ski season starts from the middle of December and it lasts until the middle of April, depending on the weather conditions.

Categories: Natural