Kiruly-bath lies in the beautiful valley of Kiruly Stream, from administration point of view it belongs to Lövéte. Its fountains were wellknown in the 1700s, back then Kiruly-bath was a spa. The mineral water of its springs contain calcium-carbonate and iron. They are good for treating the following illnesses: nerve pains, rheumatism, indigestion. The most important spring in this valley is the fountain of Kiruly/Camp. It used to be a recreation area for students, full of life during the communism but nowadays these buildings are empty and in ruins.

It is an excelent hunting district thanks to its rich wildlife: wolf, deer, lynx, bear, raptorial birds. The falconers from Lövéte used to catch birds in this place during the Principality of Transylvania. At the entrance of Kiruly-bath, on the way to Festő mineral water spring you can see a mineral water spring called ”Lobogó” on the left handside which is a cold water geyser. On the other side of the road Kossuth-rock is visible.

Categories: Natural