This memorial house was built in the courtyard of St. András parish from the inheritence of forest engineer Géza Vitus – born in Szentegyházasfalu, but descended from here – and his wife, Kelemen Emerencia. Although the house is not the birthplace of Géza Vitus (it was demolished in the meantime), it can rightly be called his second home, since he spent his vacations here, at his brother’s house (Áron Nyisztor and his wife), helping them with field work. This blue painted house in Szentegyházasfalu was built in 1910 on a stone foundation, with a porch, harrow walls. It is an excellent example of a typical traditional house in Havasalja. Both in the rooms and attic of the house can be seen traditional furniture, emborideries, tools and other things for personal use from the 1920s. It can be visited all year round.

Categories: Cultural