Szeltersz bath (the valley of Szeltersz) is a climatic resort along Vargyas stream, on the south of Hargita Mountain. It is situated on 742 m above sea level, in an environment full of rocks, pine trees. The mineral water fountains (Szeltersz, Délő, Nádasszék) in this valley have the same taste and curative power with the ones in Niederselters (Germany)- this is where its name comes from,too. At the beginning of the 20th century this water was bottled and sold under the name ”Hargita Gyöngye” (”Pearl of Harghita”) and ”Székely-Selters”,,(”Szekler-Selters”). Not far from the spring we can find the Andesite Rocks Nature Reserve where we can observe the hard andesite rock in ”sliced” shape. The valley of Szeltersz used to be farmer’s accomodation place during summer in the past, nowadays we can find many newly built weekend houses here.

Categories: Natural