Szökő Wetland is one of the most beautiful wetlands in Szeklerland, remained in a good condition. It is located on the North-East slope of MadarasiHargita Mountain, on a height of 1700-1600 m above sea level, in the area where the Szökő Stream is originated from. It has a territory of aprox. 25-30 hectares surrounded by pine trees. The water extensively soaks the soil of this area because streams originated from this area have a very slow runoff. This is the reason why one can find special wetlands here. On some parts of the glade you can see peat bogs surrounded by dwarf spruce trees. At some places you can see periodic streams which disappear in the bog. These little streams appear again where the slopes of the mountain become steep and they create the Szökő Stream (wellknown of its beautiful waterfall).These wetlands are highly protected areas since they are extremely sensitive to human intervention. There are lots of relict species in this bog, the survival of which is due to the cold climate of the Harghita Mountain. Most of the relicts are present on the ,, red list” of the rare and vulnerable species.

Without an adequate maintenance the wetland can deteriorate in an irreversible way, it can lose its value. Although this territory is frequently visited by tourists, not many of them know about the Szökő Wetland.

Categories: Natural